Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cast of Characters

I guess if I am going to be writing here everyday I should give you a list of the people we are likely to encounter.
I agonized over weather to use real names or other names and I decided on a mix of both to keep you on your toes :-)

So here are the characters of my life, whether I like them or not:

Ray- Once roommate, AMAZING person and great/best friend.
Nacho- Best friend since High School who also had the privilege of once living with me for a whole year!
Marylou- Best friend since HS as well, but she sadly never got to live with me officially.
Shan- Last of the BF's from HS and she got herself hitched last August, but we like Michael.
Shoshana/Sheila- My law school bud who has been initiated into the tribe and lived through much of my weirdness. Her dude PHT is funny and my "Love sensei" and her kid Drewseph is adorable, maybe she'll let me post pics of him.
PM- (AKA Persuade Me) A guy friend that I have "known" since we were 14 and went out with someone on the above list. Sheila named him. Maybe one day I will blog the story.
Ship- Friends since 1998... This could be a blog on its own.
Nancy- Another Sheila name. Ex who amazingly I never speak to but pops up now and again.
Adam- an Ex but still a friend and cute.
Marc- an Ex also who is married, but I love his wife and were friends. We met in 1998... So we have history.

The Joshes- I have 3 so it may be hard to tell them apart:
Josh Sh- we met in college and he was my boy guru and still is. But now that he's married I get to hang with both of them in their apartment, and if I cook and clean for them they will add a bed in the apt for me, which at this point seems very appealing.
Josh Z- My bean counter, Nuff said.
"Josh"- met in undergrad, nothing to do with now but when Nancy pops up he is never far behind. (With Tree boy who does not get his own line)

My family:
In addition to mom and Dad I have brother Ben, Brother Joe and Grandma who I call Gaga..

There are others but figure I will just explain them as the time comes, but be on the lookout for:
Sho, Sheyron, the A.A., Bad D, Good D, and Sus.


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