Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Nothing Special

Yesterday was spent cooking (in the new oven) and driving my grandma around. Then I was dragging Nach and Marylou to some party I got invited to downtown by a guy on my volleyball team.
It was in a cool place, but the DJ was too loud and there were not enough bathrooms. I had a little fun I must confess even though we were there for less than 20 min.
While we were waiting for the cab outside Adam called me. Apparently I had sent him an email last week and I sounded weird. We had a nice conversation nothing special, but Nach and Marylou think it's weird.
We weren't ready for our night to end so Ray and Good D were hosting taco night up in their apt, and Daniel, a guy I would consider dating and who Ray tried to set me up with but is "Unavailable" was going to be there, and I looked good so I wanted to go. It took longer than expected and I missed him, but it was fun. The A.A had a date so he wasn't there, but lo and behold I get an e-mail from him at 1:44 am (I presume after the date ended) so I have no idea what's going on with that. Good D will investigate. I got to see Sho and eat candy corn so all in all a good night.

Happy Thursday!

P.S- If you live in the area and want a fun time, Thursday nights its Kareoke (sp?) night at Brother Jimmy's on 92nd and 3rd. Always a fun time. If you go, dedicate a Song to me!


At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His kid???

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Lans said...

Whose Kid?

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my kid

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Lans said...

ah. It's his too.. and it looks like him :-)


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