Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Tis the season

… for car accidents. I a can not count the number of accidents I have seen in the last two days. I am sure the weather in NY is to blame as well. Its some weird Amazon rainy misty thing… so for the shameless plug, if you or someone you know should find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being in a car accident or slip and fall or other type of accident that leaves you injured, I may be able to help… that all depends on where I am working at the time. I am looking for a new job, but the pickins are slim I tell ya..

Now on to other business.

I have been busy. Not that I didn’t have time to blog, but I didn’t know what to blog about. See I have gone against several cardinal rules of mine.

First and foremost, I may or may not be dating more than one person at a time.

I will have to give the condensed soup version, because frankly, my brain can’t handle more.

There are two guys:

Jack and David


Jack- technically I met him first. See when I was dating the BC I forgot to take myself off those websites for the first few weeks, mainly because I forgot I was on them, since nothing ever happens. Well Jack was a guy from one of those sites and I couldn’t go out with him because I was seeing someone, and I don’t do that. So I politely declined. Then the breakup happens (not the movie, but they pretty close in timing) and after a while I decide it cant hurt to go back to the web. And Lo and behold, he comes back. So now I have to go out right?

Here is the deal. On paper he seems like my guy. He cooks, he has shiurs and stuff in his apt. He is a non-practicing lawyer because he is the head of a think tank in Manhattan and really outgoing an nice. Of course no-one is Mr Perfect.. the probs? 1) Short. (I am too, but I want to be able to wear heels and at least be the same height, when I wear heels he is slightly shorter) but I am getting over it.. I hope. 2) He is 33. Which is only 7 years, but…. 3) Divorced, no kids. Which is not the problem at all. The problem is why… I have no idea. Does he have commitment issues? Trust issues? Some wacko psychotic condition?

So we have been on 3ish dates? Its been like two months I think.. its really weird. But yet I am eerily drawn to him.

Stay tuned for David in another installment…. :-) [how else will I get you back?]

P.S- I switched to blogger beta, and as I am technologically retarded I ant work it, so you will have to deal without the lables and other things... unless I get a really hott tutor.


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