Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Date #2

As stated in 11:00pm rule post the last time Date boy [we need a new name for him, but there is nothing outstanding, although I finally figured out what he does, financial consulting and real estate, any ideas on names?] and I spoke was Tuesday night. The end of the conversation ended up with him saying, "I am looking forward to Saturday night and I will call you Friday to tell you the time".

Friday comes, and the heavens have opened. It's raining, flooding, people are swimming home. So I am not surprised when he doesn't call.

Saturday night.
8:00pm come no call.
At 8:30 I call, no answer. So I make plans with Nacho.
9:01 he calls. "Hey, I got held up but I just wanted to say we are still on". Me,"Oh really?". Him, "Yeah, I figured a movie or something, let me check the times and call you back."

9:45 He calls back, "Sorry about that, I'll be there in 20 min". Me, "20 MIN?? I need warning time to get ready, and what are we doing?". Him, " Ok 30 min? And were going to chill and hangout in the living room (local bar/lounge)".

10:45 He comes. I make him wait 5 min with my parents. That should be enough torture. Besides I really wasn't ready.
We go out. Have an interesting conversation. I am home by 12:45.

Now my dilemma. He discussed our next outing. We discussed our child rearing philosophies. Where we want to be in 10 years etc... But I am upset at the whole late/no planning thing.

I don't know. Isn't this supposed to get easier?
I like him. He's nice, talkative, not a bad dresser, cute, has a job, is educated and comes from a good family.
I think I am going to give it till after the holidays, when we can be normal and on a real schedule.
Let's see where the wind takes us.


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