Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Mirror

I tend to sleep a lot more on the weekends. So my dreams can be a little wacky. This past weekend I had two dreams that made me think about life. One was that someone died, and the other was that a friend got into a car accident. They got me thinking about life... In movies and books, when a character has a near death experience, they always say their life flashed before them. I always wondered what this would be like for me. I have come to the realization that it would be like the mirror I have in my room.

I have a dresser with a mirror above it. I have had this for over 10 years. By now it looks like one of those mirrors you see in a movie of a teenage girl's room. I have pics all around it, and stuff hanging of the sides. It has taken me almost 10 years to achieve this look and I am proud. So now I am in awe of set designers that can do this probably in a matter of minutes.

Allow me to describe my mirror... This would be my "near death" montouge (sp?) ...

Its a rectangle with a half circle on top. The top left corner has my law school graduation hat with tassel hanging from it and an old dried rose, from who and when I have no idea, but I can't bring myself to throw it away, even though it has no sentimental value anymore whatsoever. I am a packrat.
Now along the top are 4 pictures.
1) Me and oldest friend Fly. We met when we were 5 and lived across the street from each other. We had the same name and went to the same school. Naturally we were destined to be friends. In the pic, we are no more than 6 and in a pumpkin patch trying to lift a pumpkin that is way to big for us. The picture after the one on my mirror would be of us actually lifting it for a second and then dropping it, whereby it exploded and we got pumpkin guts all over us. It was a fun time.
2) Next is Me and Ray. I think its from her goodbye stern party, but I am not sure. Anyway anytime we get together its a fun adventure.
3) The periwinkle princess parade. Shan in a moment of what I think is temporary insanity, which is why I am still friends with her, had 12 bridesmaids and we all wore periwinkle. So I have a shot of all of us and her. Its cute.
4) My grandparents. My mom's mom and dad. He is no longer with us, so I have a few shots of him on the mirror. I was the only granddaughter, so I always was special. Not in the Jerry's kids kind of way...

Now on the right hand corner I have a bunch of ID card things hanging. Some are from certain concerts that I organized, which I will not go into. Others are from Bar courses and legal tech. Anyway they are cool. I think my High school tassel is also in there.

Now the right side of the mirror has 6 pictures.
1) My grandfather fiddling with a camera. He used to love gadgets and things. He would take apart things, and then never be able to put them back together, or he would but would have that one piece missing.. and it wouldn't work again. I miss him.
2) Another pic of my mom's parents.
3) Me, Nacho, Shan and Marylou. We were just eating din one night at Ruthies...
4) Me and Marylou. Not sure where it's from but we look good.
5) Me and Nacho playing married in Brooklyn. We had black hats, straight hair, black skirts and boots. We look good.
6) This next one is at Arielle and Dov's wedding, Its Shan, Enfer (long ago best friend who recently moved back but I have not gotten back in touch with) me, marylou and Nacho.

Now the bottom gets a little tricky, because the pictures and other artifacts are layered...
First there is a super old picture from my Brother's (oldest one, and actual bro) bar-mitzvah. Its Dassy (another long ago best friend that I occasionally talk to) me, Enfer and my cousin Dalia.
Next is a pic of my mom and I dancing at my other brother's bar mitzvah.
Then a pic of my brother at my birthday party in Brother Jimmy's.
Then the Chaquitas at DD's wedding in Florida! So much fun.
And my two blond/blue eyes cousins with me at my party in Brother Jimmy's.
Now behind these pictures are some random prayer things from Israel. A picture from Israel, a postcard from Israel and a postcard from Ship from London. (I should throw it out, but I only noticed it now, and frankly I am lazy and its keeping the other things up)

Lastly the left side.
Five pictures and something else.
1) Me and my cousin Dalia at one of her siblings party's I think.
2) Aaron's "pride and joy". Marc will get it and maybe Nacho, but I can't explain it, nor do I know why I still have it...
3) Me, Freddy and Humi from Stern graduation.
4) Me and my Rabbi's daughter with the same name as me, but different spelling at my other brother's bar-mitzvah.
5) The five us, at a breakfast where my parents were honored, a very very long time ago.

That's my mirror. I think its a pretty cool "last scene" synopsis.
Stay tuned for an entry about the pictures on my dresser....


At 7:02 PM, Blogger SusQHB said...

No pics of me? Big mistake girl. Nothing brings a smile to ones face faster than a picture of me doing something stupid.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Lans said...

Sadly, I do not have any pictures of you doing anything stupid. But there is a pic of you and the rest of the board on my dresser from the Hannukah din... all dressed up and no place to go...


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