Quote of the Week
“Don’t the perfect be the enemy of the Good” (I almost sure that’s correct)
Deep and profound no?
Sit, ponder and discuss amongst yourselves.
For the impatient… my day Yesterday:
It started off HORRIBLY.
Let me count the ways:
a) I forgot to set my alarm clock, so by the grace of g-d I woke up, albeit 20 min later than I had planed. (my mornings are very regimented and scheduled)
b) I found out I left an interior light on in my car all night and was worried about the battery.
c) I had to go to Brooklyn for court.
d) I had to take the bus, which is fine, but I wish I would have known.
e) I think I am getting sick.
Then it got better.
No train issues or subway problems. I like my outfit, and my hair was almost behaving.
Court went fine. I even got to read the paper a little.
Then life got really interesting.
I went to knit at lunch, and my project which was supposed to be done for Sukkot, is coming along nicely.
On the way out there was this guy in the parking lot chopping down wood/trees.
He starts talking to me, and I don’t like to be rude so I answer him, but I need to get back to work.
Long and short of it…
Turns out he is not a wacky gardener but really the environmental manager of the building, AKA his uncle owns it and he works for them (I verified this with the knitting lady) plus, he is of the tribe, oh and base don his asking to see if I am wearing any rings, I assume he is single…
Don’t get me wrong it was still very weird and odd for me, bc as Marc said, “ You forgot how to be single, A night in AC should fix that, AC fixed everything” I did forget how to be single, but it still felt gosh darn good to get hit on.
Fast forward to later in the day whilst I was at work. (yeah I lapse into that every once in a while, not sure why) I was working on the settlement papers for a case that I had actually gone to Rockland County for a number of times.
One of the attorneys for the other side called me, just to give me some info for the papers, and at the end he said, “Its good we settled it, but now I wont be able to see you..” It was nice.
I think it’s my new perfume….
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