Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another Gym Story

It pays to go to the gym, for the blog fuel alone. Before I give you the goods I must give you a little bit of background-

I belong to a gym that has many "branches" so depending on where I am, the class, my mood etc I go to different gyms.
Tuesday nights I do a step class at Whitestone because I love the teacher. Trina who now goes by Trinity, which is just the beginning of the insanity. She is insane. She is always late, and cant get her head straight so we do like a million lunges (glutes!) till she figured stuff out and hear way too much about her life. But once she's on she's AMAZING! I followed her from one gym to another...
So in this class there are the regulars. There are two old blonde ladies who are so thin I think if they walk sideways you cant see them but they complain all the time about everything! Then there are the beautiful people who know one knows why they go to the gym, and us.

So tonight there was an accident in the parking lot. Trina hit one of the old ladies. Boy was it a scene. First she runs in clutching her arm saying she broke it. Now we all know Trina will be late, which is just fine and dandy, but I do not need to do 30 min of lunges while she re-tells the whole ordeal. Plus Cara isn't with me, because she's sore from the Marathon, which she finished in 20 minutes less than last year, GO CARA!!!
Well thank g-d the only thing we got was don't rush to class and take the first parking spot you find..

On another note~
RAY deserves huge somethings nice bc she deserves good things and they are happening in her job. I am so happy for her!

Re-reading this I realize the story is not as funny as I thought, but I didnt want to not post it


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