Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

First PT

I had my first session of Physical Therapy today. I learned that wearing a skirt and tights is not the best idea.
They put these little electrode like pads on my knee and it tickled sooooo much. I really had to hold in my laughter because the guy next to me who was having the same thing done to his shoulder was in pain. I felt bad.
Then they made me ride a bike and do some stretching. The last thing was this ultra sound which made my knee tingle. Totally weird. They want me to go twice a week, so I made appointments till after Thanksgiving. I am not doing surgery, but I don't get my MRI results till Thursday.

Me and the BC hung out tonight, we had Tast-D and played Bingo. It was an interesting evening as all my time with him is. But he's still under the weather, so I hope he gets better fast. Are you reading this at work Mr.? If so get yourself some fluids and get better! [And I believe you owe me some stuff...]

Today was also my first day working on the Auction. I have no idea why but just hearing Leah's voice makes me irritated. And I had to spend a few hours with her organizing stuff. It took a lot out of me. But as usual I had fun. And that will be my home away from home for a while.

I expect a great showing at my Auction.... so here is the info. It's Sat Night Nov 12th. 8 pm. Check out the web site. In the land of brook. It'll be fun. I have e-mail confirmation that Adam, Nacho, PM, BC, and others will be in attendance. But not Marc's wife...

Oh I also went to get my car estimate from the insurance man. He was a wacko. Old, bald, fat and singing along to Donna Summer and Madonna. It was F.U.N. Now I have to figure out what to do with that. And find a job!

Please, please let me know if you hear of a job or know anyone who can get me a job, or know anyone who knows someone who can get me a job. I am going to go insane.

Last but not least...
SHEILA IS A LAWYER!!! The people who took the Connecticut Bar, and passed got sworn in Yesterday. So YAY! And Congratulations.


At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys played bingo? Is that a euphemism for something?

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Lans said...

No. It is not a euphemism. I think it was a better choice than taboo for 2 dont you think?

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh totally. Taboo for two just doesnt work. This guy I know wanted to play it at Starbucks on a date. Good thing another friend advised him otherwise.


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