Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sunrise In Brooklyn

Sunrise in Brooklyn is no different in Brooklyn than anywhere else. Well I mean it's in Brooklyn, which in and of itself is a feat. But yeah, it looks the same. Plus I don't think anyone who is watching a sunrise, is not utterly exhausted so appreciation is minimal.

I left the BC at 9:45pm [even thought I didn't want to, I wanted to finish watching TV and wear the new T-shirt I got] to make it to the office by 10:00ish to load the van. Well of course the loading did not start right away nor go smoothly(but not bad at all, actually in the grand scheme it went pretty well). We left around 12 ish (the time we had wanted to be in the hall already)

THEY CLOSED THE VAN WYCK! Thank g-d I didn't stay on and got off before it was too late or I may still be there and not here to tell you about it. [that would have been the second time in one day I got stuck on that bleepin highway!]

By the time we got to the hall a little before 1:00am and we were ready and rearin to go. Well it turns out the wedding before was still busting away. [we did have an agreement to begin set up at midnight with the hall, it was a pre-negotiated term]

Long and short? Wedding didn't end till after 3:00am and we had to set up around them. [but it was funny to watch the bride almost fall asleep while standing and dancing] So Nacho and Adi and I took a break and when to shop right across the street, for the necessities; sushi, entemans and snapple :-)

Allow me to back up and tell you what I looked like at this point. Because I think it is quite hysterical. I had my hair up with pens because I couldn't find a clip, and I like to keep pens in my hair while doing things like this because its convenient and I usually don't have pockets. Then my white vest got dirty during the loading so I "borrowed" a sweatshirt from the office, which coincidentally is the same one PM was wearing that night. Oh yeah did I mention he was there? Joy! Along with Nacho's version of PM thank g-d it was a big room.

So this is how I walked through Brooklyn to buy food. Seriously not my best outfit, but I didn't care. On my way in, we were talking (Me,Nacho and Adi) and I think I said something like, "I cant believe I walked out in public like this" and this random Brooklyn guy (not un-cute) was like, " No you look good" Did I just get hit on at 1:00am, in Shop Right of Brooklyn, with an XL sweatshirt on, and pens in my hair? I don't think I even matched!

Nacho says its because guys like the "natural look" whereas the two other women I was with were dressed nicely. And I look like I let a homeless person pull a queer eye on me. Go figure. I think it's the whole, when it rains it pours especially when you are not looking for it thing.

Eventually we got around to the set up. Nacho's table looks Amazing! Mine looked like the "special kid" made it. But I think it'll be ok eventually.

Of course we were all testy and getting on each other's nerves. And since its a new person who handled everything, and we are inherently adverse to change there was that. But I must say on a positive note Leah and I are getting on FABULOUSLY! And I managed not to be the last person to leave. I left the hall around 5:00am. I was home by 5:30am and in bed by 6:00am.

I thought I had to drive the shuttle to the train this morning so I had my BC wake me up at 7:30 [DID I SAY THANK YOU YET? If not I will thank you properly Sat night when I see you!] but it turns out I didn't have to. So I went back to bed and at 9:15 my Brother was screaming at some tenant of his and I was awake. So I got some coffee, made some calls, and now I am here sharing with you.

I figure I got 3 hrs of sleep, and Nacho and I will sleep some more tonight. She had to go to work today, so I am not the worst off nor complaining.

Meanwhile, Things I still need to do today:

  • Pack
  • Get gifts
  • Fix shoes
  • White vest to cleaners
  • Shower?
  • Nap?
  • Nails
  • Car wash?



At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not allowed to have that much fun in Brooklyn. It's against the law.


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