Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hump Day Rambling

I realized that since this blog has pretty much out lived its usefulness. I created when I was single, unemployed and BORED to pieces. Since I am currently none of the above, I have put some serious thought into ending this.
But it seems no matter what I still have what to say. So I decided to continue, but perhaps less frequently. I still welcome comments and suggestions no matter what. And I will post, even it means ACK during work! :-)

I got keyed. (G.A. fans unite!)
I came to work and the door was locked. I see everyone inside kind of smirking and looking at me oddly. Now it should not come as a shock to anyone, that there are days when the door may be unlocked yet I manage to not be able to open it. Today was not one of those days. The doors was really locked. So my boss comes to open it waving a key…. I got a key. I am not sure was this means since I come when everyone is here and leave when he is still here. (I clarified my hours last night just to make sure) Maybe it just means they like me…?

I have trained the dog, well sort of.
My boss has a dog, and by my boss I mean the office. Her name is big foot. She’s cute. And really sweet. She used to lick my hands all the time, so I got some hand sanitizer and use it religiously. I eventually via the use of treats trained her to stop licking my hands or skin. (I have more talents than I know!) Now she has taken to, I know how this is going to sound, sticking her nose up my skirt and licking my feet/tights. Not only does this tickle immensely, but when she licks my tights they stay wet for a little bit and I have to spray myself and wash my tights more often than I normally would. It’s all very weird. So today I commence the training to stop this and get her to maybe just run around me and wag her tail.

To short for…
I am too short for one of our file cabinets. The drawer is a little stuck and doesn’t come out all the way so I can’t reach any filed in the back. While this seems amusing. It happens to be the letter A cabinet, and strangely enough we have a lot of “A” clients. So yesterday, I took my frustration out on said cabinet and it came all the way out (DING), I filed and as I was shoving it back in (DING, DING), my boss was like, “be careful the whole thing can topple over like that. I had opt rescue my wife from the cabinet when it fell after she opened two drawers at once.” Thanks, as if I am not afraid of enough weird stuff [drive by shootings, and having my car blown up from driving over a lit cigarette someone has thrown out their window in front of me only scratch the surface] in life I need to be afraid of being buried by a file cabinet? I think I will leave the filing for someone else.

More Prophecy come true?
During my interview we (BF and I) prepped for almost every sort of question. One was, “What is your greatest weakness” as a joke, my answer was going to be, “Don’t ask me to fix the copy machine” As it turns out, this was not far from the truth. During one internship, I managed to break all 4 copy machines on the floor. Well, yesterday I broke all two copy machines, and I was the only one in the office. Thankfully I was not left alone for too long and the Boss man came and fixed it all.

Spiked Punch!
Last week we SLAUGHTERED the other side. This week, were like the lambs to the slaughter. And the worst part, was the team we played was not better than us. I want to say we had an off night, but the truth is, last week was probably an anomaly. Hopefully we get the grove back next week.

Question of the day:
Mr Clean, Gay or Straight?


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont remember what Booker said but I'm thinking gay. How many other straight men are known for their cleanliness?

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Lans said...

Thank you to the BF for being the only one to exercise his right to vote

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only I would be the only voting in the regular elections, the world would be a better place.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Lans said...

Do not get me started on George W


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