Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Plan

The plan was for everyone to come somewhat on time and at the same time...

The plan was to wear a skirt that was not elastic and somewhat tight, with little room to avoid the over eating that usually occurs...

The plan was to night pre-fight this year...

The plan was to use paper so as to not be up ill midnight cleaning...

What actually happened...
-People came like and hour late, and some really late. So the turkey was room temperature but still great. You would think we would learn by now.
- I ate so much I had to put on a zip up hoodie to cover my new "belly" but this morning I didn't feel that bad, so it must have worked a little. Plus I drank like a camel in the dessert. The water helped. I also went back my usual diet (not the LB diet) and I should be fine in a few days.
-As usual my Mom and I freaked out that we wouldn't have enough food, so when my dad and bro's got antsy and hungry and wanted to "sample" we didn't let them and a fight occurred. Of course we have more than enough left over (see left over table pic below)
-Ok so we were done cleaning at like 11:15 but it seemed to drag on forever this year. Even though we got so good at it.. Its ok maybe next year we will hire someone :-) (hey a girl can dream)

Our leftover table....

Yeah, we will be eating for a while....


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