Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Umbrella Wars

The City, (Manhattan for you "out of twoners") in the rain. Nuff said.

Are there umbrella rules? If not I think there should be. Have you ever walked in the City in the rain?

First of all, I think NY'ers must be the most prepared people on earth. You can be strolling down the street, clear as day. Boom a drop and all of sudden Shoooom everyone whips out umbrellas. Its amazing.
So now the already crowded sidewalks with people, have umbrellas as well.
I can not count how many times I got poked, injured or shoved due to an umbrella.
I am 5"2 (ok ok 5"1) basically I am short. So there is only so far I can lift the umbrella. If you are 5"5 or higher, chances are my umbrella will poke you. When you see me, the short person with the umbrella coming, MOVE. I cant see you, I am short, and the umbrella obscures my view. Taller people have the obligation to lift the umbrella when you are in that weird umbrella limbo.
It makes the most sense.
Also, due to my size I have a small umbrella.
What's with the jumbo clown car size umbrellas? How many people do you anticipate providing shelter for in the rain? I think size should be proportional to body. Small people= small umbrella. Larger individuals= larger umbrella.
It makes sense.

Iin short, I got wet and poked a lot between last night and today [due to the rain and umbrella issues, get your minds out of the gutters people!], and am I sick of it! Obide by the unspoken Umbrella Rules!

Sunshine in my day
My friend Sig got tkts to see Ellen in NY. We made it in barely, and it was fun. It airs tomorrow, Wed Nov 23rd. The guests were Matt Lauer (sp?) and the SNL women. It was ok. And we got an audience gift! So look for me in the back row. I am wearing a light blue sweater.

Last night Me, Shan, Michael and Marylou tried to get into the screening of Rent. Damn line cutters, so we didn't get in, but I think were going Sat night and for many more times...

I have volleyball tonight, so lets hope last weeks clinic helped.

Bump Set Spiked Punch!


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