Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Special Tissues*

I started my day by once again trying my hand at teaching. Today was first grade. So much different than kindergarten. I had been warned before that they were a handful. WOW are they INSANE! I had 7 kids. Just seven little 5/6 year olds. Man can they make noise! I really didn't want to yell, but I had no choice. I used every trick I could think of. No snack, less recess, telling the real teacher, no stickers. Nothing worked long term. Short term sure... This was classic substitute behavior. I did manage to get through the whole lesson that the teacher left for me, even with some time to spare. But not with my sanity in tact.
Another teacher came in to borrow construction paper (which because I was the sub I had no idea where it was) and my kids chose that moment to begin jumping off the walls. Suffice it it to say, I think they scared her away and I was not bothered after that.
One kid stuck everything up his nose, and another stole another's new calculator pencil case and markers. Now it has probably been a while for most of you, but in first grade markers and calculator pencil cases are the big Sh!@. Let's just say I am happy to report we are all alive at the end of the day.
I am not totally against teaching, I just have a lot more respect for teachers, and I probably need more training. At the end, when I went to tell the director about the stealing, another teacher whose classroom was next door (the whole time I was telling the children, that its embarrassing that I have to yell at them and the nursery next door makes no noise) and I thought she thought I was torturing them, said to me that she was sorry for me. She heard the noise and thought that they were killing me, but she was afraid to come in. Kinda tells you something no?

I started feeling sick yesterday. I think I have a sinus thing. So I went to the drugstore after work. I got Advil Cold and Sinus my wonder drug, special tissues (bc my nose was about to fall off, have you ever used school tissues for two days straight? not pretty) and ginger ale. Tonight I plan on taking some Nyquill and waking up all better. But I am/ was sooooooooooooo bored. There is only so much I can sleep. And my eyes hurt too much to read or watch TV for long periods of time. So sad.

Tomorrow night BF and I are supposed to have our 2nd official date. He e-mailed me, but I was either on drugs or he was because it did not make sense. So when I know what's going on I will share with you.

Meanwhile, I am not the only one with interesting teaching stories. Nacho also teaches. She gets them at the other end of the spectrum. She teaches High School. Today I get a text message from her saying the following, "One of my students got a 69 on his test. He came up to me after and asked if that was a good, because it was a good number for something else" Now she teaches in private school. What kind of child says that to his teacher? As I told her, it is never a dull day with her.

*For those of you who read Aaron Karo, GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER. And for those of you with sick minds all by yourself, I can not help you anymore.


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