Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Sick Day

I took my first sick day today in my new Job. Its kinda sweet I have unlimited sick days so long as I don't abuse them.

I have been feeling blah all week, but I had a ton of work so I felt bad.
Last night I could hardly sleep because my throat was killing me. I woke up feeling like I had a golf ball in my throat. So I decided to get to the Dr before the weekend, in case I needed antibiotic. So I called in sick.

Turns out I am just sick. No prescription necessary. My Dr. did suggest I take Motrin Sinus so I went to get some. Wow, Did this trip to the pharmacy turn into a mini drama!

I asked my mom if she needed anything. Turns out she had two prescriptions that I needed to pick up. They had computer issues and I had to go to a different place. Basically I spent a lot of time today roaming the aisles. I made some interesting observations.

-Why are all the sexual items located near the pharmacy, from lube to condoms etc... It's weird, all there and then arthritis and blood pressure meds.

-Also they have the condoms at the end of the aisle, and to the left are the muscles rubs and relaxant. Like Ben-gay and IceyHot. Are they trying to tell us something? Who comes up with aisle placements?

-To the right is metamucil and other fiber things. This worries me, anyone else?

I had more but I forget now. I think its nap and tea time... Have a great weekend.

Oh yeah, the Dr said I could still exercise, which is good because I have the Scottish Run on Sunday. 10K baby!


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