Filling my day and emptying my head

Read my thoughts, and about my day(s). I make no guarantees, but I may have interesting things to share or I may bore you to tears. Its a gamble :-) Sit back and Enjoy, I hope. Comments welcome and appreciated.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What I did on my Xmas vacation*

The wedding is coming up soon,(um T -3 days?) so little bro and I ventured to that part of town and helped other brother build some furniture. Little bro and I built this lovely "media center" while other bro put together 1 1/2 dressers.

It may not look like much, but it took a long time. Any idea how hard it is to install a drawer? Even an IKEA one? [Which Ray affectionately refers to as the Nazi box] then there were hinges for the doors!!!!

** The original title of this post, as dictated by Dan was "My friends are boring" but I decided against that and outing them, because to me they are not boring. We just have different ideas of fun.

After building these monstrosities, pretty much all day I was in no mood for a party, let alone three as Dan et al wanted me to attend, no matter how many new people would be there. Sorry.. maybe next time? So I went to camp Shpahyer and watched some Xmas movies. It was nice to have the campers all together again.

Good times...

Sho, sorry I ditched you, G-ma came in and we had family dinner to honor her arrival.

Not sure if I will post again pre-wedding, but I hope to post festivities (which in our esteemed religion last 7 days!!!!)

So if not, Happy 2007!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

As promised

So I promised you a post about David. Now I have since been on several dates with him, and um none with Jack. Although he did email me, text me and call me several times.. I think we are destined for friendship.
But I am not one to go back on her word, a quick synopsis:

David and I apparently went to the same college. Now this is a stretch since I went to an all woman's college and he went to an all male college, but in theory they were the same University. Now for reasons I wish to not discuss, I spent some time on the men's campus. He saw me around, but didn't do anything.
Now a few years ago, a mutual friend that went to school with me in Israel and him from High School decided we should go out. I was OK with it, he declined.
Fast forward to about a year ago. Someone calls my mom and says they have a guy for me, its David. Can they set me up, I reply in two parts, a) No, I dating someone (BC/BF) and b) are you sure you got this right, because it was already suggested and he said no.
Now the X and I break up... and I get a call... he knows you broke up, do you want to go out? Once again, I think my mom has totally got the message wrong, so I clarify to make sure he wants to go out.. he does. In between I go to Florida on vacation and get sick.. eventually we go out... Its nice... nothing special but not awful. I decide to try again, what have I got to lose?
Long story short... many weeks later I made the right choice, it def got better with time..

So that's the cliff notes...


Ever want something really really badly? And then when you get it, right away it is exactly like you thought it would be... then it opens a whole Pandora's box of things and S!@# you didn't need to think about? And questions you didn't need to ask? It makes you wish you never got it and went back to the questions and thoughts you were having before?

Yeah. me neither


Monday, December 18, 2006

Web site of the day!

I thought this was cool


Friday, December 15, 2006

Tis the season

… for car accidents. I a can not count the number of accidents I have seen in the last two days. I am sure the weather in NY is to blame as well. Its some weird Amazon rainy misty thing… so for the shameless plug, if you or someone you know should find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being in a car accident or slip and fall or other type of accident that leaves you injured, I may be able to help… that all depends on where I am working at the time. I am looking for a new job, but the pickins are slim I tell ya..

Now on to other business.

I have been busy. Not that I didn’t have time to blog, but I didn’t know what to blog about. See I have gone against several cardinal rules of mine.

First and foremost, I may or may not be dating more than one person at a time.

I will have to give the condensed soup version, because frankly, my brain can’t handle more.

There are two guys:

Jack and David


Jack- technically I met him first. See when I was dating the BC I forgot to take myself off those websites for the first few weeks, mainly because I forgot I was on them, since nothing ever happens. Well Jack was a guy from one of those sites and I couldn’t go out with him because I was seeing someone, and I don’t do that. So I politely declined. Then the breakup happens (not the movie, but they pretty close in timing) and after a while I decide it cant hurt to go back to the web. And Lo and behold, he comes back. So now I have to go out right?

Here is the deal. On paper he seems like my guy. He cooks, he has shiurs and stuff in his apt. He is a non-practicing lawyer because he is the head of a think tank in Manhattan and really outgoing an nice. Of course no-one is Mr Perfect.. the probs? 1) Short. (I am too, but I want to be able to wear heels and at least be the same height, when I wear heels he is slightly shorter) but I am getting over it.. I hope. 2) He is 33. Which is only 7 years, but…. 3) Divorced, no kids. Which is not the problem at all. The problem is why… I have no idea. Does he have commitment issues? Trust issues? Some wacko psychotic condition?

So we have been on 3ish dates? Its been like two months I think.. its really weird. But yet I am eerily drawn to him.

Stay tuned for David in another installment…. :-) [how else will I get you back?]

P.S- I switched to blogger beta, and as I am technologically retarded I ant work it, so you will have to deal without the lables and other things... unless I get a really hott tutor.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


My last link/post was from Dan.

Now everyone go read his blog!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This is just Insane


Josh’s Brothers Away Message:

Actual con law analysis:
d: i have to redo commerce clause
m: whats wrong with your commerce clause?
d: it wasn't signed
m: was it ratified?
d: i believe it was
m: so whats the problem?
d: but then the 10th amendment made it invalid
m: what if its valid under section 5 of the 14th amendment as a means to exercise equal protection?
d: then i think it's ok unless it discriminates against out of staters
m: and the 11th amendments take on that?
d: well then there's a test rational basis v. strict scrutiny
m: what about the 2nd amendment... does that play a role?
m: the right to arm bears
d: yeah, cuz then you can shoot down the commerce clause
m: the bears can... we cant

Now if anything I discussed about Con law was this interesting (drunk, high or sober) maybe today I would know the difference between the 5th and 14th amendments as they relate to anything…

Studio 60
I have loved it since the Pilot. I am so glad it got picked up. But for some reason I think last nights episode was stellar. Probably the best yet. [STOP READING if you didn’t watch last night and want to]

It helps that everything I have been wanting to happen has happened. O.K. not everything. I am so into Danny and Jordan, I was from day one. I am over the Matt and Harriet thing, but it makes for good TV, besides who doesn’t love Mathew Perry?

The writing, as is to be expected is amazing. Smart, funny and witty. The characters are really developing. You know it’s a good show, when at the end of the hour, you are left saying, “I wish there was more.”
There is not one character who’s plot or story line I would not LOVE to see expanded on. Dare I say should be… Nevada day was great for Tom, Simon et al. Plus love the promotion of (Shelly? I forget) to assistant. Maybe the only character that either needs to be kept in the woodwork or seriously worked on is Cal. I mean I know Tim directs a little, and I am always channeling Danny when I see him. But it’s just not doing it for me…

Anyway, simply loved it!

Favorite Quote:

[Jordan, sandwich in hand, cheeks balooning with food, stops chewing and looks at Danny.]
Danny: I've been married twice before and I'm a recovering cocaine addict, and I know that's no womans dream of a man - or of a father. Nonetheless I believe I'm falling in love with you. If you wanna run I understand. But you better get a good head start, 'cause I'm coming for you, Jordan.
[Jordan wide-eyed, mouth still full of food, totally speachless.]
Danny: You should go ahead and chew that sandwich.
[Turns and walks out.]

A girl can dream can't she?

Weird Dream
Yeah I had a weird dream last night. I was sick so I didn’t even eat since lunch or take any medicine. So it couldn’t have been that. Musta just been my mind truly at work.

So I had a dream that there was this hallway in a building where I had an “office” for my blog and so did fellow blogger Dan, and random guy Ross. SO yeah that was weird. But we were all talking and then the conversation ended, I went back to my “office” around a corner and saw that Dan had snuck back out to speak to Ross. It was odd. Then the next thing I know, I am in my favorite pizza place about to leave when I see a car speed down the block, lights flashing (Hocker Hatzalah) and make a really sharp U-turn and park in front of the store. Who gets out? None other than Nancy with his bright yellow vest and mandatory walkie-talkie.. so needles to say I stay put in the pizza shop.
Yeah I have no idea what this dream was about…

Its our second to last game of the regular season and I pumped! I hope we win.. b/c seriously we are a rockin. Here are the stats:

Team Name Wins Losses Percent
SPIKED PUNCH 18 6 .750
NET "D" 17 7 .708
AXP 15 9 .625
JUST GET IT OVER 13 11 .542
STRANGE BREW 6 18 .250
VOLLEY GIRLS 6 18 .250
MKDA 3 21 .125

How exciting? Tonight we play Just get it over, its still anyones game, so we need to Bring it!

Monday, December 04, 2006

So Apropos- Great Overheard

He's the Greatest Beard a Gal Could Ask For

30-year-old #1: So we went out on Thursday, and he didn't call me Friday or Saturday, which was good. Then he showed up at the party on Sunday and didn't talk to me for the first 35 minutes. Yesterday, he left me a message telling me how nice the party was, and I haven't called him back.

30-year-old #2: But you like him?

30-year-old #1: Yeah, I think it's going well.

--12th & Broadway

Friday, December 01, 2006

Breaking the Seal

So I went on a date… let me just say, it is not like riding a bike.
You do forget… it doesn’t just come back to you.

On the ice cream scale it was Choc-Chip, Vanilla with some interesting tasty bits.
Not to say he is vanilla. But the date was good, just not anything extra special.

We went out to eat. At a nice place. He was very nice/cute and the conversation was not bad. But I don’t know…

I will prob go again if he wants to, for several reasons:
a) Why not?
b) It wasn’t bad
c) Maybe he was shy/nervous
d) Maybe it was me!!! *** Most probable.

Why do I think it was me? For all the reason aforementioned in this lovely Blog. Plus a few more.
I was myself. Not that myself is bad at all. But myself just coming out of a long serious relationship is not what I should be on a date with a new person. I.e. very opinionated and talkative and comfortable, yet nervous. All in all it made for a very weird inaccurate version of me, which frankly is probably not something that men find attractive.

The problem? I had been some what normal, I probably would not have botched it and be going all girly analytical now…
Yeah I need some serious help, other than Dans suggestions of moving to the UWS (Which if someone wants to sponsor I would not be against.. but the $ isn’t there now) any other ideas?